Sunday, February 18, 2007


The Spirit of Vengeance!!! Number #1 movie baby!! I'll post a review after I've seen it myself.

This weekend was to see Pam's Labyrinth. Great Art Fantasy flick. Definitely worthy of oscar nominations. Amidst the backdrop of the Spainish Civil War in WWII, the film blends fantasy and the horrors of war. A fairy tale with a dark angle. Like many of the best ones. This year has been a sorry year for great Oscar flicks. I've checked out The Departed and Little Miss Sunshine. Babel is awaiting on my NetFlix. But The Queen? I'll pass. My Pick: The Departed.

For Valentine's Day, I received the latest The Shins album. Great, great album. If you've seen Garden State, this is a scene with Zack Braff and Natalie Portman about a song that will change your life. That band was The Shins. Go and check it out.

Jorg's in Downtown Plano had a great review in DallasNews. An authentic Austrian restaurant, it has become a major player in the renaissance of Downtown. As this area is my job to fix up any good news, like a review is great. So check it, they are good people and serve great food.