Saturday, March 31, 2007

Global Warming...Why Can't Polar Bears attack Congress

Today is Al Gore's birthday. Once given up as Political Roadkill, a funny thing happened to the former VP. He found a real cause and actually stuck to it. Before Clinton-Gore, he was a student of what Global Warming can do. That cause faded as he ran for President. Oh what a Bush administration can change. Whether it is being in the pocket of oil and energy or the refussal to approve Kyoto, this admin has poked it's thumb to the world.

Which leads us to Gore. Last week following his Oscar win, he made his eager return to the Capital. It was his first since the '01 Inagural and it was as memorable as it was then. For the Dems, the rock star status and entrance was expected. But the other isle showed signs of respect as well.

And then there was the crazies. Such as TX's Joe Barton and the Hon. Sen Isenhof from OK that still refuses to admit that this global warming thing could be real. In the end, Gore showed them all why he's a rock star...but the Crazies? Still makes my head shake in befuddledom

Once upon a time, Global Warming was looked at as some crazy variant of Sci-Fi. But that was along time ago. Gone are days when McDonalds sold Big Macs in styrofoam cartons. Gone are the gas guzzling engine cars of the late 70s. Gone are CD packaging that populated the stores of the 90s. Today, we have light bulbs that swirl like an ice cream but has a 1/4 the wattage of the old school light bulb. Today, hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles are sold in our mainstream dealer showrooms. And recycled package is as common as a tree in the forest.

But ignorace is still bliss. SVUs suck gas just like those cars did so many years ago. Only the gas is different octane and even developed with corn. And somewhere the Kyoto Treaty sits without the signature of the US. Our country, uses nearly 1/4 of the world's resources and we are nowhere near a purpotional size for that usage. In yet the Government in charge sits in its comfy chair fully in the hand of the big powers.

Things are really up to the little guy. Change can start on the ground level and start changes. I am a man of my word. My house, which I rent, uses energy efficient light bulbs and I use an energy provider that uses only renewable fuels. In Texas, where utilities are deregulated, I use power from wind turbines that look like space age spinwheels, located somewhere in East Texas.

So where does that lead us? Tell the government they are wrong and we will no longer ignore their blindness to the future of our environment. Go Green. Ford, a company that stopped making a good car years ago and relies on its trucks is near bankrupt. All because gas prices finally hit a threshold that people said was too much. Truck sales are down and Car sales are up...foreign sales that is.

Will corporate America get the hint? Perhaps only when sales are suffering. Then change is possible.